Monday, December 6, 2010

Hitting the Pavement: Icey Veins

Well It's job season again, and I am hitting the pavement armed with my resume and an unphasable attitude baptized by fire and frozen by this cold front.

First Interview was last week: Position was eliminated due to a bad forth quarter. Lame. Answering phones doesn't quite seem up my alley. Although I've been told that my tone is that of a legendary male phone sex operator. Wasn't sure if that was a compliment or not..... Anyways.

I realized that Miami is a tourist town even more so than Naples. It is an attraction, destination, and money pit for unsuspecting vacationers. So I set my sights on service. No, I will not be managing portfolios containing millions in life savings, nor will I be flying a helicopter (Props to Joe Rice, Naval Academy Graduate), and being a smelly hippy that goes overseas to save the world only to come back with a bad case of malaria.... Not for me.

Long story longer, I'm gonna be a waiter at a "fancy-smancy" place.
Make decent dough, get in with a scene my age, and be able to enjoy my youth while I still have it.

Cause one day the bell tolls for thee and I'm gonna get some QOL years in big time before then. As the great philosopher Ricky Martin once put it "Livin' La Vida Loca."

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