Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Went with my gut & it worked out: Living the Dream

Yup, that's right kiddo's, I gots me a job. It's at a great start-up tech company. I knew I was going to get it and I did. I guess everything does happen for a reason and for right now, everythings in its right place.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Entrepreneurial Cognition: Intuitive thinking

If you've had the chance to meet me you'd notice that I'm a highly intuitive individual. I have been called an encyclopedia of Snapple facts; something I took to be a great compliment. Lately, I haven't been following my gut instincts. The rejection of what feels right over what is apparently logical is good.

However, when making a divergent choice in which the outcomes are non-predictable even by reasoning and logic, I haven't been following my gut.

Not sure where the quantum comes from.... but its a cool graphic.

I'm getting back to basics, about to engage in a divergent decision where my chosen path is not the easier of the available options. I'm an entrepreneur, as an entrepreneur I hope you'll excuse old fashioned plain speak. To quote Jimi Hendrix, "I'm the one who's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to." This quote can be seen as taking to an extreme, for me it's a return to who I am and not what it is I should be if I were someone else.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hind Sight is 20-20

Fate vs. Free Will is an idea I think about often. Life seems to have too many coincidences to be random events, I mean what are the odds of some of the things that happen actually do happen. On the other hand, the odds that something odd doesn't happen are very small.

People often say when one door closes another opens and that everything happens for a reason. I understand this sentiment but I believe that in order to believe it, one must have had a lost opportunity and as a result or, possibly by chance, found another one.
I suppose I'm still waiting for the latter but I've got a feeling.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Door to Door Jews for Jesus....

A whole new level of door-to-door religious people. These two ladies about my age knocked on the door and asked me if I was Jewish. I said no, but my roommate is. They gave me a DVD to give him and a pamphlet of bible verses for me.... I couldn't figure out who or what they were trying to convert until I read the back of the DVD. "I used to be Jewish, and I was dying of stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma, I found Jesus and was saved."
For some reason my religious convictions are not swayed on a stoop. Unfortunately for them they missed their target demograph.  Good story though.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Upbeat and beat up

I've heard that looking for a job is the hardest job. I've been going at it for awhile now and am reasonably assured that I have enough irons in the fire to result in me getting hired. While I am optimistic about the job hunt, I find it to be all consuming. There is no such thing as half looking for a job, because it won't happen.

On a web analytics note, there are about 20 heavy readers of the blog, which I think is good. Slow, organic growth of views is good for websites, especially a blog about whatever it is I am thinking about. From the onset it has been a case study of Entrepreneurial Cognition.

I) Pack up all my stuff in Miami and sell most of my furniture
II) Get Hired and Relocate
III) Work and play
VI) Go back to school

The first three are something I hope to accomplish within two months;  Going back to school seems very appealing to me. Although life is a continual learning process, Higher education is something I aspire to.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Closed-Loop Cronyism: Contemporary Examination

Labor unions in the 50's 60's and 70's wielded tremendous power. With this power came money, and of course organizations like the Teamsters. This organization basically built Las Vegas and padded the pockets of those behind the scenes. For more evidence, watch Casino directed by Martin Scorsese.
To enter a labor union, you have to "know somebody." In Corporate America this was not always the case. The best and brightest are recruited and compensated adequately to prevent thoughts of leaving the company. However, Cronyism still exists in the cubicles and HR departments. Am I suggesting that it is rampant or anywhere near levels seen in organized crime, no. I'm just saying that you still need to "know somebody." Especially in an economic climate where a net of 18,000 jobs are produced a month.

Cronyism isn't the only factor in a closed loop job system. After sifting through thousands of position openings I discovered that the requirements that must be met can only be met by certain candidates. For example, in order to get a local job in Electronic Medical Records, one must be Epic certified.  In order to be Epic certified, you must have worked at Epic or be grandfathered in at a hospital that adopted Epic Systems. So these high paying jobs within the local community are not even offered to local individuals due to the exclusionary nature of the job requirements. Closed Loop System..... Bummer.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Thesis: Blogging + Being Busy = Inverse Relationship

I find that being busy has an inverse relationship with blogging; aka the busier one is the less they blog, being that I have been busy I have tested this on a small scale. It is true. Having just gotten back from Atlanta for the 4th, I am not busy and therefore blog. As it was a holiday weekend I eavesdropped on some very interesting conversation pieces

Strange and random quotes from drunken strangers:

I) "Yeah, I don't really think the Mormons know what they're talking about. I think Jesus was actually a space alien, think about it. (Bryan Chuckling in background) Ascending into heaven..... sounds like a tractor beam to me."
The Mythbusters guys actually tried this one and its most definitely busted.

On my road trip I attended an Irish wake. I don't know how many of you are familiar with tradition but basically everyone sits around a dead body and tells stories of fond memories and how the person was great. After the burial everyone is invited to eat a meal and beverage where old family stories are told.

My Great Aunt passed away at 91. She was an extremely nice loving person who was ready to pass on to the hereafter and did so peacefully last week. So after we left, my Mom calls up my Grandma and tells her about the funeral and then briefly mentions that they found a mattress full of cash; summing up to hundreds of thousands of dollars and left it at that.

My mother felt bad, called back and said all the other stuff was true except for the cash mattress but I didn't get a chance to really break down what happened until 5 minuets later.

Jargon Summery: "Hey, your sister died. It was a beautiful service, everyone is doing well, she passed peacefully and she left you a million dollars........JUST KIDDING! HAHAHA..... Oh, yeah but your sister is still dead."

Messed up practical joke....

Preview for next blog post: Lessons in morality and hilarity.