Monday, February 28, 2011

Idea Limbo: The place where unbaptized Inspiration goes

I finished reading the book "What Color is Your Parachute: A Guide for Career Change"
According to this graphic my results are ESI
I then reached over to the pan of plans sizzleing on the back burner of my mental stove. There's always something cooking, and unlike my culinary skills, this chef knows how to slow roast a well marinated thought till its golden brown and ready for easy and delightful digestion.
Getting back to the meat and potatoes of this blog, my original plan after graduation was to go directly from undergraduate to a Masters of Public Health program. I took the GRE after studying copiously, performed adequately, but I was hesitant to pursue this avenue because I had not investigated any other avenues. This led me to take the LSAT and after winning best written business plan I became determined to become involved with a start-up business immediately out of College.

Grad School was put on the back-burner.

My plans for the future have had time to thicken into a fine stew, with a rich taste that comes only from careful aging. I wrote the business plan for the expansion of Accelerated Commercial Realty into a national real estate Auction service provider. I laid the foundation for the growth yet to come, but I was not able to wait for years for it to blossom because it was not my passion.
For this I am grateful, both having the opportunity and gaining the experience from my time with ACR and Mentors Ray Princiotta and Frank Calautti.
I have been a bartender for the past months because commission does not pay the rent, tips do. This has also been a unique learning experience, granted a far different teaching style than the classrooms in Coral Gables, but a position that teaches many lessons that can only be learned on the job. At the same time it has not been fulfilling and It has left me wanting for something more.
I want to be able to use my critical thinking and analysis skills, answer complex questions and create efficient and elegant proposals for solving multi-faceted problems. Sorry Bartending, you do not meet this criteria.

Oh, that must mean my idea is ready to be taken off the back burner.
I am going to pursue my Masters in Public Health as origionally intended (It's why I got a BSBA instead of a BBA and a Biology Minor)

Public Health: Circle of Life-

I am interested in UMiami's executive MPH program and intend to pursue this through my career change from the hospitality industry to the medical field. The gratification of bettering society through my primary career is something I look forward to.
I will keep ya'll abreast of the progression of this plan and its resurrection from the Life Goal Limbo like a Phoenix from the ashes.
Again, a man with a plan. Dream in my head, smile on my face and song in my heart.  

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pawn to Rook 2

So long distance chess jargon isn't my specialty. Le sigh. I am content at my job as a bartender for the immediate future. The job hunt is a depressing journey for myself. I think that I would be satisfied and this would elevate my performance if I were in a role that complimented my skills and education within a company. For now I will enjoy the Miami sun and beautiful weather before I bury my head into piles of resumes and submission forms.
I have had a series of entrepreneurial endeavors unravel due to circumstances beyond my control, and this is disappointing and disheartening.

I just gotta keep my chin up and work towards my goal with renewed dedication.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Promotion Delayed: Questions Arise

I had a One-on-One discussion with my general manager today about training for more lucrative positions within the restaurant and his reaction was one of postponement. I have conflicting feelings about this because I am not occupying a job/position that maximizes my potential, I am a mixologist of the lowest degree, Service Bartender. Instead of getting any face time or tips from the people I am mixing drinks for, I get a sweet hourly wage that I wont reveal but it needs to be higher. I suppose paying your dues is required in every field and in some, college doesn't matter.
This reality means I need a day job, where I can use my market and industry analysis skills I've been taught for the past 4 years. I am currently reading a  book that is very useful for me in finding what I truly want from my career, and life in general. It is called "What color is your parachute: 2011 Edition" This publication has been edited each year to gear itself toward the changing times and has been doing such for 30+ years. Sounds cheesy but seems to be helping myself find what I want from life.

I definitely take myself too seriously, but I believe that high expectations are necessary to reach lofty goals. If not, its a great way to set myself up for a hot slice of humble pie.