Tuesday, October 18, 2011

And I was Hoping We broke the speed of light

Remember those faster-than-light neutrinos? Great, now forget 'em

A week ago the world went wild over CERN's tentative claim that it could make neutrinos travel faster than light. Suddenly, intergalactic tourism and day trips to the real Jurassic Park were back on the menu, despite everything Einstein said. Now, however, a team of scientists at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands reckons it's come up with a more plausible (and disappointing) explanation of what happened: the GPS satellites used to measure the departure and arrival times of the racing neutrinos were themselves subject to Einsteinian effects, because they were in motion relative to the experiment. This relative motion wasn't properly taken into account, but it would have decreased the neutrinos' apparent journey time. The Dutch scientists calculated the error and came up with the 64 nanoseconds. Sound familiar? That's because it's almost exactly the margin by which CERN's neutrinos were supposed to have beaten light. So, it's Monday morning, Alpha Centauri and medieval jousting tournaments remain as out of reach as ever, and we just thought we'd let you know.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

We broke the speed of light


Speed-of-light experiments give baffling result at Cern

Gran Sasso sign The neutrinos are fired deep under the Italian Apennines at Gran Sasso

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Puzzling results from Cern, home of the LHC, have confounded physicists - because it appears subatomic particles have exceeded the speed of light.
Neutrinos sent through the ground from Cern toward the Gran Sasso laboratory 732km away seemed to show up a tiny fraction of a second early.
The result - which threatens to upend a century of physics - will be put online for scrutiny by other scientists.
In the meantime, the group says it is being very cautious about its claims.
"We tried to find all possible explanations for this," said report author Antonio Ereditato of the Opera collaboration.
"We wanted to find a mistake - trivial mistakes, more complicated mistakes, or nasty effects - and we didn't," he told BBC News.
"When you don't find anything, then you say 'Well, now I'm forced to go out and ask the community to scrutinise this.'"
Caught speeding? The speed of light is the Universe's ultimate speed limit, and much of modern physics - as laid out in part by Albert Einstein in his special theory of relativity - depends on the idea that nothing can exceed it.
Albert Einstein in Pittsburgh on 28 December 1934 Much of modern physics depends on the idea that nothing can exceed the speed of light
Thousands of experiments have been undertaken to measure it ever more precisely, and no result has ever spotted a particle breaking the limit.
But Dr Ereditato and his colleagues have been carrying out an experiment for the last three years that seems to suggest neutrinos have done just that.
Neutrinos come in a number of types, and have recently been seen to switch spontaneously from one type to another.
The team prepares a beam of just one type, muon neutrinos, sending them from Cern to an underground laboratory at Gran Sasso in Italy to see how many show up as a different type, tau neutrinos.
In the course of doing the experiments, the researchers noticed that the particles showed up a few billionths of a second sooner than light would over the same distance.
The team measured the travel times of neutrino bunches some 15,000 times, and have reached a level of statistical significance that in scientific circles would count as a formal discovery.
But the group understands that what are known as "systematic errors" could easily make an erroneous result look like a breaking of the ultimate speed limit, and that has motivated them to publish their measurements.
"My dream would be that another, independent experiment finds the same thing - then I would be relieved," Dr Ereditato said.
But for now, he explained, "we are not claiming things, we want just to be helped by the community in understanding our crazy result - because it is crazy".
"And of course the consequences can be very serious."

Friday, September 9, 2011

My Nephew is cooler than yours...

Case and Point:
He's making the tackle by lifting the runner off the ground; bad ass!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Went with my gut & it worked out: Living the Dream

Yup, that's right kiddo's, I gots me a job. It's at a great start-up tech company. I knew I was going to get it and I did. I guess everything does happen for a reason and for right now, everythings in its right place.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Entrepreneurial Cognition: Intuitive thinking

If you've had the chance to meet me you'd notice that I'm a highly intuitive individual. I have been called an encyclopedia of Snapple facts; something I took to be a great compliment. Lately, I haven't been following my gut instincts. The rejection of what feels right over what is apparently logical is good.

However, when making a divergent choice in which the outcomes are non-predictable even by reasoning and logic, I haven't been following my gut.

Not sure where the quantum comes from.... but its a cool graphic.

I'm getting back to basics, about to engage in a divergent decision where my chosen path is not the easier of the available options. I'm an entrepreneur, as an entrepreneur I hope you'll excuse old fashioned plain speak. To quote Jimi Hendrix, "I'm the one who's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to." This quote can be seen as taking to an extreme, for me it's a return to who I am and not what it is I should be if I were someone else.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hind Sight is 20-20

Fate vs. Free Will is an idea I think about often. Life seems to have too many coincidences to be random events, I mean what are the odds of some of the things that happen actually do happen. On the other hand, the odds that something odd doesn't happen are very small.

People often say when one door closes another opens and that everything happens for a reason. I understand this sentiment but I believe that in order to believe it, one must have had a lost opportunity and as a result or, possibly by chance, found another one.
I suppose I'm still waiting for the latter but I've got a feeling.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Door to Door Jews for Jesus....

A whole new level of door-to-door religious people. These two ladies about my age knocked on the door and asked me if I was Jewish. I said no, but my roommate is. They gave me a DVD to give him and a pamphlet of bible verses for me.... I couldn't figure out who or what they were trying to convert until I read the back of the DVD. "I used to be Jewish, and I was dying of stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma, I found Jesus and was saved."
For some reason my religious convictions are not swayed on a stoop. Unfortunately for them they missed their target demograph.  Good story though.